U-type silicon carbon rod
U-type silicon carbon rod use industry and pay attention to U-type silicon
carbon rod is composed of two equal-diameter silicon carbon rods share a cold
end, U-type silicon carbon rod can be connected to the power line at one end of
the furnace, the surface temperature of the heating part is 1500 degree, It is
mainly used for kiln with high furnace temperature and high furnace temperature
It is characterized by power saving and long service life.
Outer diameter (OD): mm
Overall length (OL): mm
Hot zone length (HZ): mm
Cold end length (CZ): mm
Shank spacing (A): mm
Examples: U Type, OD=20mm, HZ=300mm, CZ=400mm, OL=700mm, A=60mm, Resistance2.24Ω
Specify as: Silica U,20/300/700/60/2.24Ω
Name: kelly Sun
Mobile:+86 15962939376
Tel:+86-0377-6607 7008
Add:801 Room,2# Block,Hongjiang Central Plaza ,Fanli Road,WanCheng District,NanYang